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Research Areas
My main research interests lie in the analysis of fundamental evolutionary and ecological dynamics of fauna and their ecosystems. I have worked on the dissection of the genetic basis of pheromone divergence in Drosophila serrata, the potential use of environmental DNA to assess fish diversity and a ... Read More
Bosco Rusuwa attained his first degree (B.Ed., Science) from the University of Malawi. He later attended Kyoto University in Japan from where he obtained his MSc (Biological Sciences) based on research work on the potential effects of interspecific interactions and resource use on the feeding ecology and distribution patterns of two narrowly overlapping congeneric Rhinogobius fish species. Bosco holds a PhD (Biological Sciences) from the University of Queensland, Australia. His doctoral research work focused on unravelling the genetic basis of trait divergence, particularly mapping the genetic basis of cuticular hydrocarbon pheromone divergence in Drosophila serrata. He has also attended various short courses in fish taxonomy and FishBase (Royal Museum for Central Africa, Brussels) and in tropical freshwater ecosystems management (Kenya wildlife Services Training Institute). An Associate Professor in Biology, Bosco has previously served as head of Biological Sciences and deputy Dean of Science at Chancellor College, University of Malawi. Prior to joining the University of Malawi, he had worked as a fisheries research officer and as a secondary school science teacher.
- Journal Article
Takeuchi, Y., Hata, H., Sasaki, M., Mvula, A., Mizuhara, S., Rusuwa, B., & Maruyama, A. (2024). Preying on cyprinid snout warts (pearl organs) as a novel and peculiar habit in the Lake Malawi cichlid Docimodus evelynae. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 19300. (2024)
- Journal Article
Chikwana, S., Rusuwa, B., Changadeya, W., & Zatha, R. (2023). Morphometric analysis of a Cyprinid species, Enteromius paludinosus (Peters, 1852), in the Lake Chilwa Basin, Malawi. Malawi Journal of Science and Technology, 15(1), 35-54. (2023)
- Journal Article
Turner, G.F., Crampton, D.A., Rusuwa, B. Hooft van Huysduynen, A., & Svardal, H. (2023). Taxonomic investigation of the zooplanktivorous Lake Malawi cichlids Copadichromis mloto (Iles) and C. virginalis (Iles). Hydrobiologia 850(10), 2165-2175. (2023)
- Journal Article
Rusuwa B.B., Chung H., Allen S.L., Frentiu F.D. and Stephen F. Chenoweth S.F (2022). Natural variation at a single gene generates sexual antagonism across fitness components in Drosophila. Current Biology 32, 1–9 (2022)
- Book Chapters
Rusuwa, B., Kassam, D. and Ngochera, M. (2021). Africa’s Potential in History and Local Initiatrives: The Case of Locally Conceived Articificial Reefs (Virundu) for Enhancing Fisheries Production at Makanjira, Southern Lake Malawi. In Meguro T., Ito C., and Kirigia, K.(Eds.). African Potentials for Wildlife Conservation and Natural Resource Management, Against the Images of ‘Deficiency’ and Tyranny of ‘Fortress’. Langaa Research and Publishing Common Initiative Group & Center for African Area Studies, Kyoto University, Japan. (2021)
- Journal Article
Svardal, H., B. Rusuwa, T. Linderoth, A. Kiran, A. Charmantier, H. M. G. Lattorff, A. Cagan, S. C. Ommeh, A. Kamng’ona, and C. Katongo. 2020. Evolutionary genomics at the human–environment interface in Africa. Molecular Biology and Evolution 37:3076-3080. (2020)
- Journal Article
Kawakami, M., R. Zatha, B. Rusuwa, and A. Maruyama. 2019. Degree of feeding niche overlap uniformises the distribution of interspecific territories in a Malawian cichlid community. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 28:247-256. (2019)
- Journal Article
Takeuchi, Y., H. Hata, A. Maruyama, T. Yamada, T. Nishikawa, M. Fukui, R. Zatha, B. Rusuwa, and Y. Oda. 2019. Specialized movement and laterality of fin-biting behaviour in Genyochromis mento in Lake Malawi. Journal of Experimental Biology 222. (2019)
- Journal Article
Dierickx, K., M. Hanssens, B. Rusuwa, and J. Snoeks. 2018. Trematocranus pachychilus, a new endemic cichlid from Lake Malawi (Teleostei, Cichlidae). ZooKeys:153. (2018)
- Journal Article
Maruyama, A., K. Shinohara, M. Sakurai, T. Ohtsuka, and B. Rusuwa. 2015. Microhabitat variations in diatom composition and stable isotope ratios of the epilithic algae in Lake Malawi. Hydrobiologia 748:161-169. (2015)
- Journal Article
Rusuwa B., Mwatsetedza J. and Changadeya W. (2015). Mass Fish kills in aquatic ecosystems: A review of the dynamics and their potential relevance for Lake Malawi. Malawi Journal of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Development Studies Vol. 1 (1): 41 – 46 (2015)
- Journal Article
Rusuwa B., Ngochera M. and A. Maruyama (2014). Ligula intestinalis (Cestoda: Pseudophyllidea) infection of Engraulicypris sardella (Pisces: Cyprinidae) in Lake Malawi. Malawi Journal of Science and Technology 10(1): 8 - 14 (2014)
- Journal Article
Shinohara K., Maruyama A., Rusuwa B. and T. Ohtsuka (2014). Taxonomic revision of three diatoms found in Lake Malawi: Afrocymbella brunii (Fricke) comb. nov., Afrocymbella rossii (Kociolek & Stoermer) comb. nov., and Aulacoseira euareolata (O.Müller) comb. nov. et nom. Nov. Phycological Research 62 (1): 9–15 (2014)
- Journal Article
Rusuwa, B., Kassam, D. and M. Ngochera. (2013). The genetic basis of trait divergence in Lake Malawi cichlids. Malawi Journal of Aquaculture and Fisheries 2(1): 65-75 (2013)
- Journal Article
M’balaka M., D. Kassam D., and B. Rusuwa (2013). The effect of stocking density on the growth and survival of improved and unimproved strains of Oreochromis Shiranus. Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research 38: 205–211 (2013)
- Journal Article
Stocker A.J., Rusuwa B.B., Blacket M.J., Frentiu F.D., Sullivan M., Foley B.R., Beatson S., Hoffmann A.A. and S.F. Chenoweth (2012). Physical and Linkage Maps for Drosophila serrata,a Model Species for Studies of Clinal Adaptation and Sexual Selection. G3; Genes, Genomes, Genetics Vol.2: 287-297 (2012)
- Journal Article
Maruyama, A., Rusuwa B. and M. Yuma, 2010 Asymmetric interspecific territorial competition over food resources amongst Lake Malawi cichlid fishes. African Zoology 45: 24-31. (2010)
- Journal Article
Rusuwa B., Maruyama A. and Masahide Y (2009). Flexible trophic repertoire: food habits of Rhinogobius brunneus ‘orange’(Pisces: Gobiidae) in the Ado River system, Japan. Malawi Journal of Aquaculture and Fisheries 1: 23-31 (2009)
- Journal Article
Kassam D., K. Yamaoka, B. Rusuwa & M.Hori (2007). The robustness of geometric morphometrics in testing the morphological equivalence hypothesis among cichlid species from East African Great Lakes. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 91: 1-9. (2007)
- Journal Article
Rusuwa B., Maruyama A. and Masahide Y. (2006). Deterioration of cichlid habitat by increased sedimentation in the rocky littoral zone of Lake Malawi. Ichthyological Research 53: 431-434 (2006)
- Journal Article
Weyl O.L.F., Nyasulu T.E. and Rusuwa B. (2005). Assessment of catch, effort and species changes in the pair-trawl fishery of southern Lake Malawi, Malawi, Africa. Fisheries Management and Ecology 12: 395 – 402 (2005)
- Journal Article
Kassam D., Seki S., Rusuwa B., Ambali A.J.D. and Yamaoka K. (2005).Genetic diversity within the genus Cynotilapia and its phylogenetic position among Lake Malawi’s mbuna Cichlids. African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 4 (10), pp. 1195-1202. (2005)
- Conference Papers
Banda M.C., Kanyerere G.Z. and Rusuwa B. (2005). The status of Chambo in Malawi: Fisheries and biology. In Banda M., D. Jamu, F. Njaya, M. Makuwila and A. Maluwa (eds.) The Chambo Restoration Strategic Plan. Worldfish Center, Penang, Malaysia (2005)
- Journal Article
Maruyama A., Rusuwa B. and Yuma M. (2003). Interpopulation egg-size variation of a landlocked Rhinogobius goby related to the risk of larval starvation. Environmental Biology of Fishes 67: 223 – 230 (2003)
- Journal Article
Maruyama A., Yamada Y., Yuma M. and Rusuwa B. (2001). Stable nitrogen and carbon isotope ratios as migration tracers of a landlocked goby, Rhinogobius sp. (the orange form) in the Lake Biwa water system. Ecological Research 16: 697-703 (2001)
- Journal Article
Maruyama, A. Yamada, Y., Rusuwa B. and Yuma, M. (2001). Change in stable nitrogen isotope ratio in the muscle tissue of a migratory goby, Rhinogobius sp., in a natural setting, Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 58 (11): 2125-2128 (2001)
- Journal Article
Yuma, M., Maruyama, A. and Rusuwa, B. (2000). Behavior and distribution of upstream-migrating juvenile Rhinogobius sp. (the orange form). Ichthyological Research 47(4): 379-384 (2000)
More on Research
My main research interests lie in the analysis of fundamental evolutionary and ecological dynamics of fauna and their ecosystems. I have worked on the dissection of the genetic basis of pheromone divergence in Drosophila serrata, the potential use of environmental DNA to assess fish diversity and abundance, the impact of sedimentation on cichlid fish diversity and ecology to unravel the cascading effects of catchment degradation and resultant lake sedimentation on habitat quality and its potential impacts on fish community structure and organization. I have also worked on the feeding ecology and distribution patterns of riverine Rhinogobius fishes, as a model for understanding determinants of disparate fish species distribution in river ecosystems. I have also been involved in the taxonomic and quantitative assessments of the small-scale traditional open water and beach seine fisheries in southern Lake Malawi to determine changes in catch composition of this fishery over time and expose species in need of management interventions. ,