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Research Areas
Evaluations,Disability,Gender and Youth,Nutrition,Public Health,
Dr Chrissie Madalitso is a female Public Health Specialist, Nutritionist and Research Scientist. Currently, she manages and oversees Research, training, consultancy and outreach activities at the Centre for Social Research of the University of Malawi. she also teaches and supervises graduate and postgraduate students. By employing both quantitative and qualitative research methods, her research focuses on exploring effective interventions to tackle Public Health problems, Nutrition and Development problems affecting different communities and determining policy implications of the different interventions.
- Journal Article
Valerie L. Flax, Chrissie Thakwalakwa, Courtney H. Schnefke, John C. Phuka, Lindsay M. Jaacks. Food purchasing decisions of Malawian mothers with young children in households experiencing the nutrition transition, Appetite, Volume 156,2021, 104855, ISSN 0195-6663, (2021)
- Journal Article
Thakwalakwa C, Flax VL, Phuka JC, Garcia H, Jaacks LM (2020) Drivers of food consumption among overweight mother-child dyads in Malawi. PLoS ONE 15(12): e0243721. (2020)
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Gadama, L, Thakwalakwa, C, Mula, C, Mhango, V, Banda, C, Kewley, S, Hillis, A and Van Hout, MC (2020) Prison facilities were not built with a woman in mind’: An exploratory multi-stakeholder study on women’s situation in Malawi prisons. International Journal of Prisoner Health, 16 (3). pp. 303-318. ISSN 1744-9200. (2020)
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Bliznashka, L., Danaei, G., Fink, G., Flax, V., Thakwalakwa, C., & Jaacks, L. (2021). Cross-country comparison of dietary patterns and overweight and obesity among adult women in urban Sub-Saharan Africa. Public Health Nutrition, 24(6), 1393-1403. doi:10.1017/S1368980019005202 (2020)
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Barden-O’Fallon, J., Evans, S., Thakwalakwa, C. et al. Evaluation of mainstreaming youth-friendly health in private clinics in Malawi. BMC Health Serv Res 20, 79 (2020). (2020)
- Journal Article
Valerie Flax, Chrissie Thakwalakwa, Lindsay Jaacks, John Phuka, Courtney Schnefke, Food Purchasing Decisions in Overweight Mother-child Dyads in Malawi (FS01-05-19), Current Developments in Nutrition, Volume 3, Issue Supplement_1, June 2019, nzz028.FS01–05–19, (2019)
- Journal Article
Schnefke CH, Thakwalakwa C, Muth MK, Phuka J, Coates J, Rogers B, Colaiezzi B, Bell W, Flax VL. Optimizing portion-size estimation aids: a formative evaluation in Malawi. Public Health Nutr. 2019 Dec;22(17):3127-3139. doi: 10.1017/S1368980019001733. Epub 2019 Jul 22. PMID: 31327322. (2019)
- Journal Article
Heather C. Stobaugh, H. C. Stobaugh, Beatrice L. Rogers, B. L. Rogers, Patrick Webb, P. Webb, Irwin H. Rosenberg, I. H. Rosenberg, Chrissie Thakwalakwa, C. Thakwalakwa, Kenneth M. Maleta, K. M. Maleta, Indi Trehan, I. Trehan, & Mark J. Manary, M. J. Manary. (2018). Household-level factors associated with relapse following discharge from treatment for moderate acute malnutrition. British journal of nutrition, 119, 1039-1046. doi: 10.1017/S0007114518000363 (2018)
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Ngoma TN, Chimimba UK, Mwangwela AM, Thakwalakwa C, Maleta KM, Manary MJ, Trehan I. Effect of cowpea flour processing on the chemical properties and acceptability of a novel cowpea blended maize porridge. PLoS One. 2018 Jul 10;13(7):e0200418. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0200418. PMID: 29990380; PMCID: PMC6039016. (2018)
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Cheng WD, Wold KJ, Benzoni NS, Thakwalakwa C, Maleta KM, Manary MJ, Trehan I. Lactoferrin and lysozyme to reduce environmental enteric dysfunction and stunting in Malawian children: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials. 2017 Nov 6;18(1):523. doi: 10.1186/s13063-017-2278-8. PMID: 29110675; PMCID: PMC5674751. (2017)
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Meghan Callaghan-Gillespie, Andrew A Schaffner, Patsy Garcia, Jocelyn Fry, Rachael Eckert, Shirin Malek, Indi Trehan, Chrissie Thakwalakwa, Kenneth M Maleta, Mark J Manary, Peggy C Papathakis, Trial of ready-to-use supplemental food and corn-soy blend in pregnant Malawian women with moderate malnutrition: a randomized controlled clinical trial, The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Volume 106, Issue 4, October 2017, Pages 1062–1069, (2017)
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Stobaugh HC, Bollinger LB, Adams SE, Crocker AH, Grise JB, Kennedy JA, Thakwalakwa C, Maleta KM, Dietzen DJ, Manary MJ, Trehan I. Effect of a package of health and nutrition services on sustained recovery in children after moderate acute malnutrition and factors related to sustaining recovery: a cluster-randomized trial. Am J Clin Nutr. 2017 Aug;106(2):657-666. doi: 10.3945/ajcn.116.149799. Epub 2017 Jun 14. PMID: 28615258; PMCID: PMC6482975. (2017)
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Alfred Z Wang, Robert J Shulman, Audrey H Crocker, Chrissie Thakwalakwa, Kenneth M Maleta, Sridevi Devaraj, Mark J Manary, Indi Trehan, A Combined Intervention of Zinc, Multiple Micronutrients, and Albendazole Does Not Ameliorate Environmental Enteric Dysfunction or Stunting in Rural Malawian Children in a Double-Blind Randomized Controlled Trial, The Journal of Nutrition, Volume 147, Issue 1, January 2017, Pages 97–103, (2017)
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Janowski AB, Krishnamurthy SR, Lim ES, Zhao G, Brenchley JM, Barouch DH, Thakwalakwa C, Manary MJ, Holtz LR, Wang D. Statoviruses, A novel taxon of RNA viruses present in the gastrointestinal tracts of diverse mammals. Virology. 2017 Apr;504:36-44. doi: 10.1016/j.virol.2017.01.010. Epub 2017 Jan 30. PMID: 28152382; PMCID: PMC5515247. (2017)
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Heather C Stobaugh, Kelsey N Ryan, Julie A Kennedy, Jennifer B Grise, Audrey H Crocker, Chrissie Thakwalakwa, Patricia E Litkowski, Kenneth M Maleta, Mark J Manary, Indi Trehan, Including whey protein and whey permeate in ready-to-use supplementary food improves recovery rates in children with moderate acute malnutrition: a randomized, double-blind clinical trial, The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Volume 103, Issue 3, March 2016, Pages 926–933, (2016)