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Research Areas
Water governance, climate change, food security, livelihoods, indigenous knowledge systems,
Miriam Dalitso Kalanda Joshua is an Associate Professor in Geography and Head of Geography and Earth Sciences Department at the University of Malawi. She holds a PhD in Geography obtained from the University Of Southampton, UK and an MSc in Environmental Sciences from the University of Malawi. Miriam is UNIMA Waternet Coordinator for Integrated Water Resources Management Masters Programme from 2019 todate. She is one of the National Experts in Climate Change and a member of AGNES - a regional network of African Group of scientists/ experts in various disciplines but with special interest in climate change issues from 2018 to date. She is also a Mentor for Rural Water Supply Network (RWSN), mentorship programme - hosted by Skat Foundation, Switzerland from January 2019 to date, a Member for Rural Water Supply Network (RWSN), mentorship programme - hosted by Skat Foundation, Switzerland from October 2018 to date. RWSN Website: and a Climate Change Leader - Champion on policy and advocacy in Africa for Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network (FANRPAN)-from 2015
- Book Chapters
Cosmo Ngongondo, Miriam Dalitso Kalanda-Joshua, Maurice Monjerezi, Felistus Chipungu, Raymond Kasei, Charles Malidadi, 2021. Exploring linkages between indigenous knowledge systems and conventional flood forecasting in the aftermath of tropical cyclone Idai in Chikwawa, Malawi (Chapter 14). In Godwell Nhamo and Kaitano Dube (ed). Cyclones in Southern Africa. Volume 2, Foundational and fundamental topics. Springer International Publishing (2021)
- Book Chapters
Joshua, Miriam D.K., Stathers, Tanya, Chirwa, Ruth K., Ngongondo, Cosmo, Lamboll, Richard, Monjerezi, M., Mwathunga, E., Kasei, R., Chipungu, F. and Liwenga, E. 2021. A Comparative Study of the Impacts of Flooding on Food Security of Urban and Rural Households in Blantyre City and Chikwawa, Malawi (Chapter 3). In: Godwell, Nhamo and Chikodzi, David, (eds.) Cyclones in Southern Africa: Volume 3: Implications for the Sustainable Development Goals. Sustainable Development Goals Series, 3. Springer Nature, Switzerland. (pp. 35-58). ISBN 978-3030743024. (doi: (2021)
- Book Chapters
Miriam Kalanda Joshua, Ruth Kalinga Chirwa, Cosmo Ngongondo, Maurice Monjerezi, Evance Mwathunga, Raymond Kasei, 2021. Impact of floods on access to drinking water: a focus on 2019 floods in Magalasi village in Chikwawa district, Malawi (Chapter 11). In: Godwel Nhamo and Lazarus Chapungu. The Increasing Risk of Floods and Tornadoes in Southern Africa (pp.191-201). Springer International Publishing DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-74192-1_11 (2021)
- Journal Article
Karin Lindsjö, Wapulumuka Mulwafu, Agnes Andersson Djurfeldt & Miriam Kalanda Joshua (2020): Generational dynamics of agricultural intensification in Malawi: challenges for the youth and elderly smallholder farmers, International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, DOI:10.1080/14735903.2020.1721237 (2020)
- Book Chapters
Miriam Dalitso Kalanda Joshua, Cosmo Ngongondo, Felistus Chipungu, Emma Liwenga, Amos Majule, Tanya Stathers, Charles Malidadi, Job Rotich Kosgei and Richard Lamboll, 2020. Strengthening horticultural innovation systems for adaptation to effects of urbanization and climate variability in peri-urban areas. In: Jonathan I. Matondo, Berhanu F. Alemaw and Wennegouda Jean Pierre Sandwidi (eds.) Climate Variability and Change in Africa: Perspectives, Experiences and Sustainability. Taramani: Springer Nature (2020)
- Book Chapters
Gertrude Jeremiah Sato, Miriam Kalanda Joshua, Cosmo Ngongondo, Felistus Chipungu, Maurice Monjerezi, 2020. Evaluation of different tillage systems for improved agricultural production in drought prone areas of Malawi. In: Jonathan I. Matondo, Berhanu F. Alemaw and Wennegouda Jean Pierre Sandwidi (eds.) Climate Variability and Change in Africa: Perspectives, Experiences and Sustainability. Taramani: Springer Nature. (2020)
- Journal Article
Raymond Abudu Kasei, Miriam Dalitso Kalanda-Joshua and Daniel Tutu Benefor, 2019. ‘Rapid urbanisation and implications for indigenous knowledge in early warning on flood risk in African cities’, Journal of the British Academy, 7(s2): 183–214. DOI (2019)
- Journal Article
Agnes Andersson Djurfeldt, Göran Djurfeldt, Ellen Hillbom, Aida C. Isinika, Miriam Dalitso Kalanda Joshua, Wisdom Chilwizhi Kaleng’a, Audrey Kalindi, Elibariki Msuya, Wapulumuka Mulwafu & Mukata Wamulume, 2019. Is there such a thing as sustainable agricultural intensification in smallholder-based farming in sub-Saharan Africa? Understanding yield differences in relation to gender in Malawi, Tanzania and Zambia, Development Studies Research, 6:1, 62-75, DOI: 10.1080/21665095.2019.1593048 (2019)
- Journal Article
M. Joshua, C. Ngongondo, M. Monjerezi, F. Chipungu and C. Malidadi, 2017. Relevance of indigenous knowledge in weather and climate forecasts for agricultural adaptation to climate variability and change in Malawi - Chapter 9 In: Mafongoya, P.L. and Ajayi, O.C. (editors), 2017, Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Climate Change Management in Africa, CTA, Wageningen, The Netherlands, 316pp (2017)
- Journal Article
Joshua, M.K., Ngongondo, C., Chipungu, F., Monjerezi, M., Liwenga, E., Majule, A.E. et al., 2016, ‘Climate change in semi-arid Malawi: Perceptions, adaptation strategies and water governance’, Jàmbá: Journal of Disaster Risk Studies 8(3), Art. #255, 10 pages. jamba.v8i3.255 (2016)
- Conference Papers
Miriam Dalitso Joshua, Felistus Chipungu, Willard Mbewe and Charles Malidadi. Assessment of pesticides application in high vegetable producing areas and implications on human and ecosystem health. In: Wapu Mulwafu, Eliya Zulu and Robert Richardson (eds.) Malawi Agro ecosystems Book (In Press). Michigan: Michigan State University Press. (2016)
- Journal Article
Kalanda-Joshua, M., Ngongondo, C., Mwathunga, E., Liwenga, E., Stathers, T., Chipungu, F., Lamboll, R., Majule, A., Ndau, S. 2015. Implications of Climate Change Risks on Rural-Urban Agricultural and Food Flows in Blantyre City, Malawi. Journal of Public Administration: Green Economy and Local Government 50(1), 125-142 (2015)
- Conference Papers
Miriam Kalanda Joshua, Cosmo Ngongondo, Felistus Chipungue, Amos Majule, Emma Liwenga, Richard Lamboll, Tanya Stathers, Benjamin Chikusa (2015). Climate Change Perceptions and Adaptation Strategies in High Rainfall Areas of Malawi: A Case Study of Nesa Village, Mulanje District. National Symposium on Environment, Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management: Towards Green Societies for Sustainable Development, October 2015, Lilongwe, Malawi (2015)
- Conference Papers
Gertrude Jeremiah Sato, Miriam Kalanda Joshua, Cosmo Ngongondo, Felistus Chipungu, Maurice Monjerezi (2015). Contributions of Different Tillage Systems in Climate Change Adaptation In Agriculture: The Case Of Mpasu Village, Chikwawa District. National Symposium on Environment, Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management: Towards Green Societies for Sustainable Development, October 2015, Lilongwe, Malawi. (2015)
- Conference Papers
Miriam Dalitso Joshua, Kate Schreckenberg, Ellie Briggs, Natalie Suckall, Sosten Chiotha and Dalitso Kafumbata (2015). Domestic water demand management to address seasonality in rural areas in Sub-Saharan Africa: A case study of rural Zomba, Malawi Proceedings of the 16th annual Waternet/WARFSA/GWP-SA symposium on Integrated Water Resources Management and Infrastructure Planning for Water Security in Southern Africa, 28 October – 30 October, Le Meridien Hotel, Balaclava, Pointe Aux Piments, Mauritius (2015)
- Conference Papers
Miriam Dalitso Joshua,Emma Tompkins and Kate Schreckenberg (2014). Effect of de jure institutions on access rights to potable water for marginalized groups. Proceedings of the 15th annual Waternet/WARFSA/GWP-SA symposium on Integrated Water Resources Management for harnessing socio economic development in Eastern and Southern Africa, 29 October – 31 October, Sagecoa Golden Peacock Hotel, Lilongwe, Malawi. (2014)
- Book Chapters
Miriam Dalitso Joshua & Peter Namphande. 2014. Climate change and environmental education in the Malawi school curriculum. In: Nhamo, G. & Shava, S. (eds.) Climate change education in the SADC school curriculum. (4th Chapter). Pretoria: Institute of South Africa. (2014)
- Book Chapters
Miriam Joshua, Abdulai Jalloh and Sepo Hachigonta. 2014. Review of Research and Policies for Climate Change Adaptation in Urban Areas in Southern Africa. Submitted on 24th July 2014 and published on 29 August 2014. Available Online: (2014)
- Journal Article
Nkomwa,E.C., Kalanda Joshua,M., Ngongondo, C., Monjerezi, M., Chipungu, F., 2013. Assessing indigenous knowledge systems and climate change adaptation strategies in agriculture: A case study of Changaka Village, Chikhwawa, Southern Malawi. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 2013. doi:10.1016/j.pce.2013.10.002 (2013)
- Journal Article
Kalanda-Joshua, M., Ngongondo, C., Chipeta, L., Mpembeka, F. 2011. Integrating indigenous knowledge with conventional science: enhancing localised climate and weather forecasts in Nessa, Mulanje, Malawi. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 2011 doi:10.1016/j.pce.2011.08.001 (2011)
- Journal Article
Kalinga-Chirwa, R., Ngongondo, C., Kalanda–Joshua, M., Kazembe, L., Pemba, D., Kululanga, E. 2011. Linking rainfall and irrigation to clinically reported malaria cases in some villages in Chikhwawa District, Malawi. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 2011, doi:10.1016/j.pce.2011.07.053. (2011)
- Conference Papers
Miriam Kalanda-Joshua, Cosmo Ngongondo, Evans Mwathunga, Emma Liwenga, Tanya Stathers, Stella Ndau, Felistus Chipungu, Richard Lamboll, Amos Majule, Ulemu Munthali, Stella Ndau (2011). Exploring implications of climate change risks on rural urban agricultural/food flows and urban vulnerability in Blantyre City. Conference on Climate Change and the Environment, 19-21 October 2011. Lilongwe, Malawi. (2011)
- Conference Papers
Miriam Kalanda-Joshua, Cosmo Ngongondo, Stella Ndau, Lucy Chipeta, Felistus Chipungu, Greno Wanda, Francis Mpembeka, Rodney Mzumara (2010). Strengthening farmers capacity to adapt to rainfall variability: Lessons learnt from Mulanje and Karonga Districts, Malawi. Proceedings of the 11th annual Waternet/WARFSA/GWP-SA symposium, 26 October – 29 October, Victoria falls, Zimbabwe (2010)
- Journal Article
Kalanda-Sabola, M.D, E. M. T. Henry (deceased), E. Kayambazinthu, J. Wilson. Use of Indigenous Knowledge and Traditional Practices in Fisheries Management: A case of Chisi Island, Lake Chilwa, Zomba, Malawi Journal of Science & Technology. Vol. 8, 009– 029 (2007) (2007)
- Journal Article
Kalanda-Sabola, M.D., Assessing Indigenous Knowledge of Forest and Lake Resources Degradation: A case of Chisi Island, Lake Chilwa, Zomba, Malawi, Central Africa, Journal of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences Vol.1:2 ( 2007 (2007)