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Research Areas
Education Policy and Leadership, Education and Equity, Rural Education and Development, Education and Gender,
My name is Dr. Samson MacJessie-Mbewe and I obtained my Doctor of Education Degree from the University of Massachusetts, USA in 2004 and my Master of Arts (Sociology and Education) from Columbia University, New York, USA in 2001. I am a Malawian citizen currently working with the University of Malawi as Associate Professor in Education where my responsibilities include: teaching Educational Policy and Leadership Issues and Sociology of Education both at post-graduate and under-graduate levels; conducting research and consultancies; conducting outreach activities; supervising postgraduate students on their theses writing; coaching young academics for their academic development. I have also worked as Director of Higher Education in the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology in Malawi from 2015 to 2020 with the following duties: setting the strategic direction of the Directorate that is aligned with the National Education Sector Plan and the Strategic Plan of the Ministry; advising top government officials on policy direction on issues affecting the Higher Education Sub-Sector; articulating Government policies among higher education institutions; manage all the activities of the Directorate including personnel, programs, financial, and project planning and implementation; monitoring and evaluating the activities of higher education institutions in line with the Education Sector Implementation Plan and the Strategic Plan of the Ministry. I have published journal articles and book chapters in education and democracy; urban education; rural education; educational policy; and education and gender. My research interests include: HIV/AIDS and Education; Gender and Education, Education and Democracy; Educational Policy and Leadership; and Education and Equity. My professional progression include: Associate Professor (1st July 2011 to present) University of Malawi; Senior Lecturer (1st July 2005 to 30th June 2011) University of Malawi; Lecturer II (1st January, 2001 to 30th June, 2005) University of Malawi; Assistant Lecturer (Oct. 2nd 1995 to 31st December, 2000) – University of Malawi; Principal Lecturer –P7 (28th July 1994- 30th September 1995) – Ministry of Education (Domasi College of Education, Malawi); Secondary School Teacher -PO(B) (5th October 1991- 27th July 1994)-Ministry of Education, Malawi. Some of the managerial/administrative positions I have held include the following: Director of Higher Education (Grade D/P2), Malawi Ministry of Education, Science and Technology from April 2015 to September 22nd 2020; Project Manager, Support to Higher Education Science and Technology (HEST) project supported by African Development Bank (AfDB) 2016 to 2018; Deputy President, Malawi Union of Academic and Non- Fiction Authors (MUANA) from 2nd March 2014 to 2015; Coordinator of the University Certificate in Education (UCE) program in the Faculty of Education, Chancellor College (from February 2012 to 8th April 2013); Board Chairman, Zikomo CBO from September 2009 to 2016 (http//; Deputy Dean, Faculty of Education Chancellor College, University of Malawi (1st January 2009 to December 2010); Teaching Practice Coordinator, Chancellor College, University of Malawi Faculty of Education (1st July 2008 to December 2008); South Coordinator, Fredskorpset Youth Exchange Project Norway and Malawi (October 2007 to Dec. 2010); Postgraduate coordinator for the Educational Foundations Department, Chancellor College, University of Malawi (January 2007 to December 2008); and International Coordinator for the Network of Teacher Educators Responding to AIDS (NTERA) in Eastern and Southern Africa (from 24th April 2007 to 2015)