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Research Areas
Victor is interested in multi-, trans-, and interdisciplinary research projects in the fields of socio-political and cultural discourses, education and social justice, language aggression and hate speech, social media and society, online social activism, cyber civic engagement and mediated discourse analysis. ,
Victor Chikaipa PhD is a senior lecturer in the Department of African Languages and Linguistics at the University of Malawi. He is interested in multi-, trans-, and interdisciplinary research projects in the fields of socio-political and cultural discourses, education and social justice, language aggression and hate speech, social media and society, online social activism, cyber civic engagement and mediated discourse analysis. He has published extensively in peer-reviewed journals and books.
- Journal Article
Chikaipa, V. (2023). Preserving indigenous minority languages through community radio in development programmes in Malawi. Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies. (2023)
- Journal Article
Chikaipa, V. (2023). Print Media Coverage and the Socio-Contextual Representation of Single-Use Plastics Ban in Malawi. African Social Research. Vol. 3 (2023)
- Conference Papers
Multilingualism, Mobility and Space in Urban Public Environments in Southern Africa: Reflecting on Methodological Improvements (2023)
Spatial Methods for Urban Sustainability Conference - SMUS Conference India 2023
- Journal Article
Chikaipa, V. (2022). Riding on Slogans and Mottos: Bicycle Taxis as Mobile Bodies of Meaning in Malawi, Language Matters, 53:3, 133-153, (2022)
- Book
1. Manthalu, C.H., Chikaipa, V. and Gunde A.M. (Eds.) 2022. Education, Communication and Democracy in Africa. A Democratic Pedagogy for the Future. London: Routledge – Taylor & Francis Publishers. ISBN 9780367646097 (2022)
- Journal Article
Chikaipa, V., and Gunde, A. (2021). The Role of Community Radio in Promotion of Indigenous Minority Languages and Cultures in Malawi, Journal of Radio and Audio Media, 28 (2), 327-343. (2021)
- Book Chapters
Gunde, A. & Chikaipa, V. (2021) “Popular Culture as Alternative Media: Reggae Music, Culture and Politics in Malawi’s Democracy,” In H. S. Dunn, D. Moyo, W. O. Lesitaokana and S. B. Barnabas, (Eds.). Re-imagining Communication in Africa and the Caribbean. Global South Issues in Media, Culture, and Technology. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. (2021)
- Journal Article
Chikaipa, V. (2019). Caring Mother or Weak Politician? A Semiotic Analysis of Editorial Cartoon Representations of Joyce Banda in Malawi Newspapers. Critical Arts, South-North Cultural and Media Studies, 33:2, 14-28, DOI: 10.1080/02560046.2019.1655583. (2019)
- Journal Article
Chikaipa, V., and Kishindo, P.J, (2017) Role of Trade and the Media in Minority Language Maintenance: The case of ciNsenga in Central Western Malawi, Nordic Journal of Africa Studies, 26(3):231-250. Nordic Association of African Studies. (2017)