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Her main teaching subjects are Ecology, Environmental Impact Assessment and Applied Ecology. She also holds various postgraduate certificates including GIS, International Environmental Management, Watershed & Wetland Management, Hazardous Waste Management, Gender Analysis in Natural Resource Managem ... Read More
Mrs. Meya Patricia Kalindekafe is a Malawian female aged 57 years with more than 34 years of work experience. She is the Managing Director of ENVIROCONSULT, Senior Lecturer in Ecology with the University of Malawi and an Environmental and Social Impact assessment (ESIA) expert. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree with Credit from the University of Malawi (1987) and a Masters in Ecology from the University of Wales, Bangor (UK, 1990). Her main teaching subjects are Ecology, Environmental Impact Assessment and Applied Ecology. She also holds various postgraduate certificates including GIS, International Environmental Management, Watershed & Wetland Management, Hazardous Waste Management, Gender Analysis in Natural Resource Management and Ozone Biomonitoring. Her research interests include: ecosystems functioning, environmental assessment, Biology and Ecology of coastal areas and littoral zones (ecotones), HIV/AIDS & Environment, Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management. Meya is currently applying the Ecosystems Approach to her Agribusiness and encourages students and researchers to use her farm as a study site. She has published 7 book chapters, 4 articles in journals and many articles of national importance. She co-authored the first Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) in Malawi, and has contributed towards EIA capacity building by training more than 1000 mid-career environmental Managers, undergraduate and postgraduate students in Malawi. Her notable ESIA assignments include: recently completed ESIAs of the proposed FUFU and MPATAMANGA Hydropower projects; the 400kv Transmission Line from Nkhoma in Lilongwe to Karonga and Mchinji; Likuni to Malingunde Road and Nzaleka-Ntchisi to Malomo Road and Rehabilitation of irrigation schemes in the southern region of Malawi. Meya was also team leader for the just ended World bank funded ESIA for the Upgrading and Expansion of Kauma Sewerage Treatment Plant for Lilongwe City. She recently led the ESIA on Mining of Rare Earth Minerals, Oil & Gas Seismic Survey and also led a survey which ledt to Production of a book for Vale Logistics Limited and Central and East African Railways (CEAR) on Trees and Animals of the Nacala Corridor. Earlier works on EIA include National Water Development Program, Shire River Flow Augmentation Project, Stabilization of the Course of Songwe River, Rehabilitation of Chileka Airport, Malida and Maone Industrial Parks, Rehabilitation of Mangochi-Monkey Road, Community Based Rural Land Development Project, Small Farms Irrigation Project, Moatize Coal Mine Railway Project, Electricity component of the Infrastructure Services Project in Malawi, Road By-Pass Project for the cities of Blantyre & Lilongwe, Upgrading of Bunda to Mitundu Road, M1 Masasa-Golomoti-Monkey Bay road project, Road Maintenance & Rehabilitation Program & Construction of the Pumulani Lodge in Mangochi. She also carried out a technical review of UNDP support to the environment sector in Malawi. Meya has contributed towards development of a number of national documents including: development of the National Environmental Action Plan, Climate Change studies and National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan. She is a co-founder and first Chairperson of the Board of Trustees of Women in Science and Technology Network (WISTNET) in Malawi and Zomba Tourism Association. She is also a FELLOW of Leadership for Environment and Development (LEAD). She is a Full member of the Organisation for Women in Science for the Developing World (OWSD). Her Motto is "Caring for the Environment is not a luxury but a matter of survival"
- Journal Article
i. Moyo G.G., Ng’oma E. and Kalindekafe M. (2018). A Comparative Study Of Edaphic Factors Associated With The Abundance And Distribution Of Raphia Farinifera In Naiwale And Its Two Co-Joining Streams In Thondwe, Malawi (2018)
- Journal Article
ii. Moyo G.G., Ng’oma E. and Kalindekafe M.(2016). Impact of wild animals and anthropogenic activities on survivorship and abundance of Raphia farinifera in Naiwale and its two co-joining streams in Thondwe, Malawi. International Journal of Current Research. Vol 8(11). (2016)
- Book Chapters
i. Peter Mvula; Meya Kalindekafe; Paul Kishindo; Erling Berge; Friday Njaya (Eds.) (2013). Towards Defragmenting the Management System of Lake Chilwa Basin, Malawi. Defragmenting African Resource Management (DARMA), vol. 1,136 pp. pp., ca. 29,90€, LIT Verlag Berlin –Münster –Wien – Zürich – London, ISBN-CH978-3-643-90398-3 (2013)
- Book Chapters
i. Peter Mvula; Meya Kalindekafe; Paul Kishindo; Erling Berge; Friday Njaya (Eds.) (2013). Towards Defragmenting the Management System of Lake Chilwa Basin, Malawi. Defragmenting African Resource Management (DARMA), vol. 1,136 pp. pp., ca. 29,90€, LIT Verlag Berlin –Münster –Wien – Zürich – London, ISBN-CH978-3-643-90398-3 (2010)
- Book Chapters
ii. Mawaya Chimwemwe and Kalindekafe Meya P. (2010). Southern Malawi: Access, Control and Use of Natural Resources, a Gender Analysis. In NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: The Impact of Gender and Social Issues. Edited by Fiona Flintan and Shibru Tedla. Fountain Publishers/OSSREA/IDRC 2010. ISBN 978-9970-25-000-4. ISBN9 78-1-55250-483-3 262 pp. (2010)
- Book Chapters
Kalindekafe Meya Patricia and Mandala Symon Osman (2010). Taking Action to Empower Women Scientists and Technologists through Women In Science and Technology Network (WISTNET) in Malawi. In Empowerment of Women through Science and Technology Interventions. Edited by Nirupama Prakash, Betty McLellan and Barbara Wejnert. Centre for Science & Technology of the Non-Aligned and Other Developing Countries (NAM S&T Centre). Regency Publications, Dehli – 110035. ISBN 81-89233-62-9 / 978-81-89233-62-4 (2010)
- Journal Article
iii. Harrison Mark E, Kalindekafe Meya P and Banda Bryson (2007). The Ecology of the Hippopotamus in Liwonde National Park, Malawi: Implications for Management. African Journal of Ecology (2007)
- Book Chapters
Kalindekafe Meya (2006). Participatory Research and Water Resource Management: Implementing the Communicative Catchment Approach in Malawi. Chapter III. In People , Land & water. Participatory Development Communication for Natural Resource Management. Editted by Guy Bessett. EARTHSCAN/IDRC. London, Sterling, VA. ISBN 1-55250-224-4 (2006)
- Book Chapters
Ambali AJ, Chirwa WP, Kalindekafe M.P., Kapyepye M, Mapira S, Makungwa S. and Mwanyambo W, 2006. Ecosystems of Malawi (in Chapter 4 Theme One and Two) In National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan for Malawi. Environmental Affairs Department. Lilongwe. ISBN: 99908-26-54-9 (2006)
- Journal Article
Kalindekafe Meya P., Fujihara Michiro and Kamada Mahito (2000). Land Use Histories and Fuelwood Consumption in a Highly Populated and Degraded Area in Nkhata Bay District, Malawi. Natural History Research. Volume 6 No. 1 (2000)
- Conference Papers
v. Michiro Fujihara, Mahito Kamada and Meya P. Kalindekafe : Degrading process of Miombo forest in a highly populated area in Nkhata Bay District, Malawi, Africa, Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Symposium of the International Association of Vegetation Science, p.70, Nagano, Jul. 2000. (2000)
- Conference Papers
vi. Mahito Kamada and Meya P. Kalindekafe : Degrading process of Miombo forest in Lake Malawi National Park, Malawi, Africa, Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Symposium of the International Association of Vegetation Science, p.70, Nagano, Jul. 2000 (2000)
- Conference Papers
viii. Mahito Kamada, Augustine Salubeni, Bryson Banda and Meya Kalindekafe: Forest communities in Lake Malawi National Park Area, Department of Biology, University of Malawi, Chancellor college ed., Lake Malawi Ecology Project First Annual Report May 1998 April 1999, p.29, 1999. (1999)
- Book Chapters
Kainja S. and Kalindekafe M. (1999). Chapter on Climate Change Impact on Forests of Malawi: Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessment.. In Malawi Climate Change Study Report. Environmental Affairs Department. Ministry of Natural Resources and environmental Affairs. ISBN 99908-26-11-0 (1999)
- Book Chapters
Kalindekafe M.P. and Brown R.D. (1999). A landscape Ecological Approach to Sustainability: Application of the communicative catchment approach to Lake Chilwa, Malawi. in Advances in Planning and Management of Watersheds and Wetlands in Eastern and Southern Africa. Edited by JE Fitzgibbon. WEAVER Press . Harare. Zimbabwe. ISBN 0 7974 2017 7 (1999)
- Book Chapters
Kalindekafe M.P. (1999) Review of Environmental Impact Assessment. State of the Environment. Study No.9. In State of the Environment Report for the Lake Chilwa Wetland and Catchment Management Project. DANIDA. Ministry of Natural Resources & Environmental Affairs. Ref. No. 104.Malawi.1.MIK.A.5 61pp (1999)
- Book Chapters
Kalindekafe M. P. (1998) Ecological Status of Lake Chilwa Environment During Part of the Filling Phase (April 1996) After Drying. Chapter 2. In The Lake Chilwa Environment. A Report of the 1996 Ramsar Site Study. Edited by K. van Zegeren and M.P. Munyenyembe. Chancellor College Publications. Zomba Malawi. ISBN: 99908-51-02-6 (1998)
- Book
Boyle J., Davis E., Gudgeon P., Kalindekafe M.P., Nkhoma P.D. and Willingham M. (1997) Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment. Submitted to the Ministry of Research and Environmental Affairs. Lilongwe, Malawi Government Press. Zomba. (1997)
More on Research
Her main teaching subjects are Ecology, Environmental Impact Assessment and Applied Ecology. She also holds various postgraduate certificates including GIS, International Environmental Management, Watershed & Wetland Management, Hazardous Waste Management, Gender Analysis in Natural Resource Management and Ozone Biomonitoring. Her research interests include: ecosystems functioning, environmental assessment, Biology and Ecology of coastal areas and littoral zones (ecotones), HIV/AIDS & Environment, Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management. Meya is currently applying the Ecosystems Approach to her Agribusiness and encourages students and researchers to use her farm as a study site. ,