Thipa displays his book

New publication on the doctrine of atonement

Once again at Chancellor College we have the opportunity to celebrate the publication of a book by one of our own. In February, 2019, Dr. Thipa of the Theological Department announced the publication of his book, The Doctrine of Atonement for Building Human Rights in Malawi, published by Kachere Series. Dr. Thipa is a lecturer in systematic theology.

The author points out that the book is the outcome of thoughts on his participation in the fight for democracy, human dignity and human rights in 1992 in Malawi. These thoughts first led him to his PhD, and now to this book.

The book explores the intersections of human rights with church doctrines, specifically how these are based on the idea of atonement. Thipa argues that this doctrine of atonement can actually empower Christians in terms of respecting human rights. “Atonement is about being at one with God,” Thipa explains. “When you are reconciled with God, you automatically have friendship with fellow human beings”. Among other things, Thipa goes as far as comparing the Malawi Constitution with Jesus Christ’s teachings.

Those who are interested may visit the author in the Department of Theology, where the book is being sold.