We dare to think it is a good time to be a citizen of Chancellor College. There are reasons aplenty.

Think about it. In the past month, we witnessed a remarkably speedy assessment process. All departments and faculties performed all assessment exercises within the tipulated period, and the college assessment meeting took only one day, a feat rarely seen on this campus.

 If that does not raise your optimism, think of the facelift that the entire college is getting even as youread this. Many of the classrooms have received new paintjobs, all of the rooms in student hostels have new curtains, the flooring of the classrooms has been overhauled, and all of the corridors now have fully functioning lights. In addition to this, the college has acquired new chairs for students, so that no student should be seen attending lectures while standing.

Additional reasons for us to stand at the top of the Great Hall and proclaim our pride is the government's recognition of the excellence amongst Chancellor College staff, that it could not help but request the assistance of two senior members, to assist at the Ministries of Education and Information.

Still not feeling the optimism?

Then perhaps a reminder of the whopping 50 students who made it to Deans' Lists should brighten your day. This list includes the team from the faculty of Social Sciences to the lone Alister from the Law faculty. To us at the Bulletin, and perhaps to others, these students challenge the assumption that it is impossible to achieve  excellence at Chancellor College. As the Principal  observed  during the  function, these students do us proud by also serving to show their colleagues that excellence can be achieved.

We cannot say much about the future, but we believe today is a good day to be at Chancellor College.